Tail Magic.
It has amazed me to see Boo learn how to go on with everyday life without his 4th leg. Shakey as it is, his other back leg still works. His tail has now become his 4th !
Tail Magic.
It has amazed me to see Boo learn how to go on with everyday life without his 4th leg. Shakey as it is, his other back leg still works. His tail has now become his 4th !
Heat then flex.
Through physio, we have discovered that Boo’s wrists are stiff! A common problem with Tripawds. He can now bend at a 46-degree angle, but we want to increase that. After his walks, he also gets an ice pack on his back knee joint, to help with swelling. We are at the stage of needing a wheelchair, but hoping to find a used one. We are located in Canada, so if anyone has suggestions please let me know!
Hip Flexors 🙂 He doesn’t care for these….