Hello to everyone. It’s been a while since Boo’s last entry. While I consider myself a fairly positive person, I have to say, when I am pushing Boo in his Barker cart and people comment “pampered dog” as they zoom past us on their bikes I can’t help but feel a defensive part stew inside me. I want to yell back and even out the playing field of unsolicited feedback.
I mean, come on people! Do you think I would push a 64lb Husky just for fun? (i mean maybe..haha )and would one not conclude that this dog can’t walk? maybe they are sick, or only have 2 legs maybe 3? What about the large badge on the front of his cart that reads TRIPAWD, would one not put two and two together then?
For the most part, people think it’s cute and comment “I wish I were him” which can be annoying, but much more tolerable, as they are likely well-intentioned. However, when someone bikes past us and grunts “pampered” with no smile, and an air of judgment, it really gets my goat!
What that person does not know is that in this cart, is a dog that would long to jump and run on all fours! He did for most of his life. He would crash through the woods with his nose deep into the scents of nature and move his body at will. But he can’t. Some days he can’t even get across our kitchen floor, his remaining back leg is hinged together by a giant ball of scare tissue, making walking at times painful let alone manageable.
SO YES SIR! My dog is in a cart today! he is getting out of the house, smelling the wind, watching the birds, and listening to all the sounds the forest has to offer him. He is resting his back leg for another day when the pain of walking in his wheelchair is more tolerable. You see, he can only journey out in his wheelchair for a max of 20 min, but you didn’t know that about him, did you Mr. Able Bodied Bike Man?

Yes, my dog is cute, yes I push him in a cart, and yes I would put him in a sling and carry him over my shoulder if that’s what it took to bring joy to his life. If that’s considered pampered, well….. I guess yes, then he is a pampered dog!

Hope everyone is well! and long live the TRIPAWD!